Magnify layers of insights with Social Listening.

Our survey panel participants grant us privileged access to their social media profiles for a layered, self-correcting perspective on your customer set.

Young people laughing at something on a phone with a social listening data overlay
Small plastic toy hockey player with full-size puck

Meet consumers where they’re already headed.

Wayne Gretzky once said that to be great in hockey you have to skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it is.

It’s the same in business. It’s not enough to follow customers, you have to be where they're going before they even arrive.

We help you to do that. We monitor your industry, listen to your customers, and process their digital footprint through machine learning to get real-time predictive insights.

Our social listening platform identifies trends before they show up in other data sources. Before they crest. Ahead of the curve.

That’s right where you need to be.


Pair deep survey data with social media insights for predictive insights into what’s happening, why, and what’s next.

Trend Prediction

Identify real-time trends in social chatter

Dive deep into social media conversations to identify and forecast emerging trends before they become mainstream.

Trend Validation

Test and confirm your hypotheses

Combining survey data and social media insights, you can validate your hypotheses and find the human factors behind market movements.


With our intimate access you’ll learn who your customers are, what they’re looking for, why, and the language they use to discuss it.

Tune into the Social Buzz

Our Social Listening tracker helps you gain valuable insights into your customers and predict emerging trends in real-time.

Complete Trend Analysis

Our Social Listening tracker integrates seamlessly with consumer insights, providing a holistic understanding of emerging trends in your industry

Decode Consumer Conversations

Uncover the what, when, why, and which products and ingredients are capturing your audience's attention across social media platforms.

Validate and Discover

Test your hypotheses and uncover new trends in product types, need states, functional ingredients, and conditions through our expertly tagged social data.

Real Consumers vs. Businesses

Our sophisticated tracking system distinguishes genuine consumer trends from business-generated noise, giving you a clear view of your target audience.

Across Platforms, Unified Insights

We collect and tag data from the most language-driven social media platforms using a dynamic selection of keywords, topics, and hashtags to ensure comprehensive coverage.


Natural language processing for improved marketing and ad targeting.

Screen shot of portal showing customer insights on brands and influencers they follow

Explore over 10 million conversations updated daily, encompassing a wide range of topics including products, sub-products, need states, conditions, flavors, and ingredients. We provide exact quotes from these discussions and employ advanced AI to predict user personas, offering deeper insights into consumer behavior.

This deeper insight can help enhance your digital marketing efforts and create more relevant ads. Delving further into the lives of your audience provides valuable information that can positively impact your marketing strategy.

Let's Get Started.​

Complete the form to speak with our sales team to see how Brightfield can help your team leverage forward-looking consumer and market data to propel your sales pipeline.​